Mitch Hyatt

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Coins For Kids

We take pride in encouraging the next generation of collectors in the hobby of numismatics!  Collecting Coins and Paper Money can be windows to worlds of culture, history, and economics.  We have curated these products below specifically with young collectors in mind.  They make great gifts or rainy day activities to enjoy with your kids.  We also offer coin-related games and trivia in our store for kids, theycan even win  free coins!  Young collectors can look forward to the thrill of completing coin sets, learning the value of gold and silver compared to the fiat money of today's world, and the challenge of understanding the changes to money over time - both in design and composition.  Coins can bring history to life and also provide significant increases in value to hobbyists who build quality collections over time.  If you have a child interested in coin collecting we are eager to support and encourage that effort.  If you are looking for comething different than what we have below, let us know - we can probably put something together for your young collector!

Charlotte's Oldest and Largest Coin Shop
Since 1959

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